Donald "Donnie" J. Robinson, beloved father of Josh (Rachel) Robinson, Tracy (Jason) Smith, and Tommy Robinson, loving grandfather of Kyra, Blake, Mason, Jared, Lilyanna, and Jordan, devoted son of Don L. and the late Carol J. Robinson (nee Ackley), dear brother of Debbie (the late Frank) Hartley and Chris Robinson, caring uncle of Drew Betz, also survived many aunts, uncles, and cousins. Passed away Sept. 24, 2023 at age 64. Residence Anderson Twp. Mass of Christian Burial at St. Rose Church, 2501 Riverside Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45202 on Mon. Oct. 2, at 10 AM. Friends may visit at the Church on Mon. from 9-10 AM.
A celebration of life will follow the service and be held at Mt. Washington American Legion post 484. All are welcome.
Memorials to UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute:
Their address is 3113 Bellevue Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45219