Dorothy A. "Dottie" Rosemond (nee Thomas), beloved wife of John "Jack" Rosemond. Devoted mother of Marianne Rosemond and the late James "Jay" Rosemond. Loving sister of Mary Grace (Charlie) Blank of Birmingham, MI. Caring aunt of Molly (Steve) McClure of Jackson, MI, Michael Blank of Palm Springs, CA and Matthew Blank of Ypsilanti, MI and great nieces Anna and Kathleen McClure. Also survived by multiple cousins. Passed away peacefully January 27, 2022 at age 83 with her family by her side. Residence Cincinnati, Ohio. Dottie was a retired Catholic School teacher who enjoyed being a member of many social groups, cooking, entertaining guests in her home, traveling and playing cards. Visitation will be held on Saturday, February 5, 2022 at St. Veronica Church, 4473 Mount Carmel Tobasco Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM with a Mass to follow at 10:30 AM at the church. Memorial contributions in memory of Dottie may be given to any Catholic School of the donor’s choice.