Michael Patrick Mahoney beloved husband of Brenda A. Mahoney (nee White) devoted father of Michelle A. Mahoney, dear brother of Dennis (the late Kim) Mahoney, Maureen (Chet) Brinson, Jody (Mike) Fariello, and the late Coleen Mahoney, son of the late Charles and Patricia Mahoney-Davis (nee Meyer), also survived by many nieces and nephews. Died May 6, 2021 at age 64. Residence Mt. Washington. Memorial Service at Mt. Washington United Methodist Church, 6365 Corbly Rd. Mt. Washington on Sat. May 22, at 1 PM. Friends and Family may gather at the Church after the memorial service for a time of fellowship. Memorials to Paddling For Cancer Awareness Inc. (P4CA.org) or Ohio Alleycat Resource (OAR) or any church of your choice.